Dripp Extracts

We were hired by Dripp Extracts to create a baseline visual language and brand tone. My duties as the managing art director were to oversee their internal team, lead the creative drive, and streamline the workflow.

Dripp is in a unique space in the canna space. They are, for the most part, a connoisseur brand. An “if you know, you know” brand steeped in street and sports culture. I was able to create a functional brand guide and ideate on a few campaigns during our tenure.

Brand Style Guide

“BEING” – The concept behind this campaign was to state the idea of being in a state of Dripp, living the lifestyle, associating oneself with the culture, and a state-of-mind. Each character in the Being graphic lock-up signifies diversity. Being Dripp was also a way into the idea of the Metaverse as we once knew it. That was a big initiative for the internal team.


Grey and Patina


The Pottery